Onsite Pathology
Clinical Labs is onsite for all your pathology needs.
Serendib Medical provides adult immunisation services, and childhood immunisation services upon careful consultation with parents.
Travel Vaccination
Serendib Medical as a government registered vaccination clinic, provides travel vaccines following preventative consultation and risk assessment.
Work Cover & TAC
Serendib Medical is committed in providing the highest quality work cover care and support to workers who suffer work related injuries and illness as we truly understand the physical and psychological health impediment, income loss, and medical and related costs that come with.
Family Planning
Serendib Medical team is committed to provide the highest possible support and care through your pregnancy journey.
Minor Surgery
Our team of highly trained and skilled doctors and registered nurses provide excellent surgical care and management. Serendib Medical treatment room is fully equipped to provide you with the highest quality care.
Chronic Disease Management
Serendib Medical provides check-ups, screenings, and patient education to diagnose, treat, and manage chronic diseases.
Skin Check
Our team of trained GPs provide comprehensive skin examinations, skin cancer risk assessments and diligent detection, removal and prevention of skin cancers.
Mental Health Care
Serendib Medical GP team listens to patient mental health concerns and difficulties and offer extensive mental health services and support.
Men’s Health
Mainly due to notions of masculinity and importance of employment, men tend to have shorter and less frequent doctors’ visits. Serendib Medical provides you a comfortable and safe environment to talk about your health, and comprehensive preventative assessments, diagnoses, and treatment.
Women’s Health
Serendib Medical team offers careful and extensive advice and service for a wide range of health complications specific to women to ensure your health and happiness.
Children’s Health
Serendib Medical is committed to providing extensive health care to children across all ages.
Pre-employment Medical Assessment
Serendib Medical provides all-encompassing medical assessment that enables disease and injury prevention and safe working practices to be explained to the workers, and for the employers to place the workers in safe and productive environments that benefits both parties.